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What's new?


Avitron: Ephemeris is in the copy editing stage with its publisher.

I'm shopping a contemporary romance novel with publishers and agencies.

I'm writing a literary fiction novel set in Appalachia.

I have two dozen short stories out on submission and another handful of writing craft articles in circulation.

Busy times. That's the secret to this business. Keep learning and churning.


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Nebula award

My short story "Melody and Counterpoint" is in the running for a 2024 Nebula award in its category. I've put the link to the story below....

Upcoming short story

My fantasy short story for young readers, "Where Shooting Stars Fall," will debut on the Ember Journal (E&GJ Press) on March 14, 2025. Go...

Another story sold!

If you're a fan of fantasy, then you know that dwarves live under the mountains -- in most cases. But who lives on the mountains in...

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